
For performing duties the notary charges a notarial fee in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Justice of the 28th of June 2004, regarding the maximum notarial fee values, increased by applicable VAT. Besides the notarial fee the notary also collects, in the name of the Polish State, additional taxes and charges. These are most notably:

§ VAT (derived from the notary fee);
§ PCC (tax on civil law transactions);
§ inheritance and donation tax;
§ court fee.

The collected taxes and court fees are wholly transfered, by the notary, onto bank accounts of the appropriate state institutions. To ascertain the total amount of charges for a given notarial act/deed (notarial fee, VAT, PCC SiD, court fee etc.) we encourage personal contact at the notaries office, or - in the case of simple tasks - phone or e-mail contact.